Join Ontraport Review

If you want to grow your business and have a clear idea of your sales and marketing funnels, the join Ontraport dashboard is the place to start. It shows you exactly how things are going day-by-day and gives you the ability to drill down into very specific data points, like all the contact records that joined your list just today.

The dashboard also has a unique feature that allows you to see totals for your pipeline sales projections, average spend, average lead score and estimated time to close (or whatever metrics you track). It also has a handy table that compares different stages of your funnel. This table is very useful for seeing if you have any bottlenecks or areas of your funnel that need improvement.

Another great feature is the ability to create groups for your contacts and show them on your campaigns. This allows you to show only the most relevant information to your leads, and makes it easy for them to find what they’re looking for.

Ontraport offers a few different types of campaigns, including automated email sequences and affiliate programs. These campaigns can save you a ton of time by automating certain processes, and are very valuable for growing your business.

Matthew, an Ontraport user and course creator, has a very successful membership site that he uses to teach people online marketing strategies. He says he’s able to run it successfully because of the automated emails and campaigns he sets up in Ontraport.

One example is when a person signs up for his course, they’re automatically added to a series of seven emails that take them through the process. These emails are sent out every week, allowing him to focus on other aspects of his business while still delivering valuable content to his audience.

The platform also has built-in recurring payment capabilities, making it easy to set up a subscription product or service that collects a recurring fee from your customers. You can then use the recurring payment integration Join Ontraport with your bank to manage payments and make sure your clients’ credit cards are charged each month.

Ontraport is also capable of creating personal URLs (PURLs) that pass a contact’s info into the page they visit. This can be a very effective way to personalize a thank you page or message, and it’s easy to do from within the dashboard.

Finally, Ontraport’s native Facebook integration lets you create audiences based on campaign-specific events, which is extremely powerful. This is something that very few other systems can do, and it can make a huge difference in the effectiveness of your Facebook Ads. It’s a feature that can be overlooked, so make sure you take advantage of it! If you’re ready to get started, check out our free trial. Two weeks is enough time to try out Ontraport and see if it’s the right fit for your business. Then, our team will help you plan a strategy to achieve your goals with Ontraport!

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